A. To add a new person for the survey:
1. In the left menu go to Users, Add New User.
2. Enter the username – easier if you use their email.
3. Enter their email – don’t need name or website.
4. Set the password.
5. Choose the ROLE – usually start with SHOW CONSENT REVIEW.
Click Add New User – they will automatically be added to the wp-membership system as a SHOW CONSENT REVIEWER
After a user completes the Consent Form you will get an email stating so. Next change them to the Pre-Education Survey level.
There are 6 user levels:
1. AdminMember – only for Administrators – can do anything on the site including delete it.
2. Show Consent Reviewer – can see only the consent review.
3. Pre-education Survey Reviewer
4. Post-education Survey Reviewer
5. Post-simulation & Perception Reviewer
6. Completed – this keeps their login but they can do anything in any survey.
B. To change a users level:
To change a users level it should be done in the WP-Membership section. If you change it there first it will automatically change the WP Users area.
To move them to the next level after you’ve received notice of completion of the previous survey:
1. Go to WP-Membership, Members. Click Edit for the person to change then go to the Membership Level and choose the level. Scroll down and choose Save Data.
Now when the user logs in again they will see the appropriate menu choice.